Raid 4 Arctic Ducks Feedback

We asked you questions and this is how you answered.  If you did not send us your feedback earlier we still wish you could do it. It will help us working with possible future events.  And if you already answered, thank you very much. 

Information, announcements etc. early stages and before the raid – do you feel you were well informed and knew what to expect or is there something you would have wanted to know more of?

  • Information was good, especially before the raid.
  • The early information was very good, not to mention the extensive tips concerning winter preparation of the 2 CV  
  • Early information was somewhat chopped and detailed info was given little by little.
  • For people coming from overseas, exact dates (start & end) should be informed early enough so that holidays, ferries and such can be organised in good time.
  • It would have been nice to have the GPS tracking instructions a bit earlier
  • Road book was very good and gave plenty of information, too.  
  • Would sending road book as a PDF-file be an option? 

During the raid 

  • Information OK before the raid but the Whatsapp-App info etc. should have been earlier gathered and pointed out that this is our main communication channel.
  • Those with smartphones and using WhatsApp were well informed, for ”old school” participant, the information did not always go through very well.  Organisers should have taken better care of them.
  • I received enough information and got answers by phone when ever I needed.
  • Drivers meets were not well scheduled, sometimes you got info half an hour before the meet, which is too short notice.  

Participation fee: did you get good value for money?

  • ok
  • yes – more than I believe
  • value for money surely – cheap even!
  • fee included many things even meals and drinks, so well worth it.
  • Yes, I feel that I got value for my money. It takes a lot of time, effort and cost to arrange a trip like this.
  • I had been very surprised at the beginning but finally you provided many things for us and nothing to complain about.
  • Yes, tho I wouldn’t want to pay more as an entry fee

Accommodation: did you find the standard of accommodation satisfying/appropriate? Would you rather book your own accommodation?

  • Accommodation was good.
  • The standard of accommodation was appropriate. No complains.  
  • Would not want to deal with reservations myself, all good.
  • -ok –  though it would be nice to know beforehand if you share a room with others
  • I would rather not book my own accommodation, because you guys seem to know where the good places are and when everybody books themselves, the raid Group will be more spread out on evenings making it harder to socialise spontaneously.
  • The accommodations were quite good. I never expected five star hotels.
  • I would say that the accommodations must be shared by all the participants otherwise it’s hard to get to know each other.
  • It is  great fun that everybody drives to the same place and meets at the end of the day rather than going somewhere on their own.
  • Some comments about each place we stayed: Joensuu – good, Haparanda – poor, Honningsvåg – acceptable (best breakfast), Tornio – good, Hetta was praised by everyone. 

Dining: were you satisfied with the common dinners? Would you rather make your own choices in sense of what to eat and where?

  • perfect food
  • dinners often very late – not good
  • dinners were good but a bit monotone/predictable – would prefer more specialities of region etc.
  • satisfied with common dinners, quality and price appropriate, important for socialising, good and well organised, too.
  • The dining was in many case too late. Long days means late eating but on other hand why not to have common lunch middle of the day and then continue the journey?  
  • Food was great, no complaints, plenty to choose from, too.
  • Common dinners were surprisingly good tasting, considering the poor descriptions in the preorder form
  • Thanks again for the reservations you made but also for the dinners you had been able to suggest.
  • The schedules should not be too tight.

Anything else you wish to comment? Free word:

  • It would be nice to arrange some kind of get-together-event on the first evening of the raid.
  • shorter daily trips – at least one extra day would have been nice.
  • arriving to destinations two hours earlier would have been nice.
  • group size was ideal
  • arranging drinks  with degustation was great
  • winter tires and providing space to store the regular tires helped a lot.
  • information via WhatsApp – modern, but also leads to less common activities. All Participants should be invited to meet daily in a common place physically to interact personally and by talking.  
  • In any drivers meeting I did not hear a question “Are everybody able to continue tomorrow?   Drivers meets should be more informative, not just tomorrows plans, but also  a check up, how teams are coping and is everything ok, and if not, discuss and find solutions together.
  • For a first timer  the daily trips where a bit long ones, some more time is needed to visit museums or whatever target, which I find great and interesting.
  • The activity day was also a great idea, everybody needed a break.
  • The timing for visiting Nordkapp and driving back to Hetta was too short planned.
  • Raid was very physical : probably too many kilometres everyday, 2 days more would have made it easier.
  • I ‘d make CB radios mandatory for all cars on the raid.
  • I realise that Nordkapp was the goal so a lot of driving had to be done but perhaps next time a raid using smaller trickier roads could be nice. Or less driving per day but I guess the cost would go up.
  • Many many thanks for a great raid!!! I really enjoyed and loved it
  • organisers – good job
  • on the whole, this was a very challenging, amusing, beautiful and fun raid. Thank you all very much.
  • I would like to thank the organisers for the excellent trip! It is not easy at all to think the details through and satisfy everyone’s needs but you managed to do it very well! It was important to me that all practicalities were taken care of, so that one can just jump in and enjoy the ride!