![Citroën HY 1967 – New petrol engine – "zone bleu" version](https://www.2cv.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/hy-1967-1.jpg)
New petrol engine – “zone bleu” version
1. For every model of the HY and HZ range, a choice of engines can henceforward be fitted: either the already well known engine (9 CV, French treasury rating, 72 X 100 mm), or the new engine( 11 CV, French treasury rating, 78 x 100 mm). This new engine’s specifications are: swept volume: 1,911 cc. – True b.h.p. 48 hp SAE at 3,500 r.p.m. – Max. torque, SAE 13 mkg (94 lb. ft.) at 1,500 r.p.m. – Zenith 28 IN 2 R carburetter, with regulator.
Maximum power is thus increased by comparison with the 9 CV engine, for a slower rotational speed. The same is true for maximum torque. This means that the 11 CV engine differs from the 9 CV engine by higher performance at lower revs. (it will not exceed 4,000 r.p.m .): greater smoothness, longer life, better pick-up in 3rd, less noise, higher averages. Top speed is about 97 km.p.h. (60 m.p.h.), while fuel consumption remains about the same as that of the HY model with a 9 CV engine. To meet the new engine’s performance figures, transmission and gear box have been strengthened, and gear ratios have been modified. Very good gearratio planning, together with the engine’s own smooth pick-up, put the HY with the new-version engine in a position to give satisfactory service under the most gruelling conditions.
2. In collaboration with SAPA, Citroen has developed a new version of the HY specially designed for delivery-work in crowded city districts. The all-up weight (2,975 kg, or over 6,500 lbs) and the inside dimensions are identical with those of the HY (same useful capacity: 7.3 cu. m., or 257.8 cu. ft.), but the overall dimensions have been reduced so as to bring down the ground pian to an area of less than 8 sq. m. (86 sq. ft.), as stipulated by the traffic regulations in Paris’s “zone bleue” restricted traffic areas. The forward overhang has been reduced by modifying cowling and bumper design, and that at the rear by moving the tail lights and modifying the door’s opening mechanism and the rear bumper. In the van, the overall width has been reduced by doing away with the sliding side-door and replacing it by a metal roller-blind. The vertically-opening rear door and the two small swinging doors have been replaced by a double, “cupboard-type” door, with a 180° opening angle, fitted with windows. The “zone bleue” version of the HY includes the petrol- or diesel-driven van, the similar versions of the closed-cabin truck and the open-cabin truck, also with either type of engine ( petrol or diesel).
Nouveau moteur à essence – une version “zone bleu”
1. Il existe desormais deux moteurs a essence, au choix, sur tous Ies modeles de HY et HZ : soit le moteur deja existant (9 CV fiscaux, 72 x 100) soit le nouveau moteur (11 CV fiscaux, 78 x 100). Les caracteristiques de celui-ci sont : cylindree 1.911 cc – Puissance reelle 48 Ch SAE a 3.500 t/mn – Couple maxi SAE 13 mkg a 1.500 t/mn.
La puissance maximale est augmentee par rapport au moteur 9 CV, pour un regime inferieur. De meme pour le couple maxi. C’est dire que le moteur 11 CV se differencie du moteur 9 CV par des performances plus elevees a un regime plus bas (il ne depasse pas 4.000 t/mn) : gain de souplesse, longevite accrue, meilleures reprises en 3e, silence plus grand, moyennes plus elevees. La vitesse de pointe est de 97 km/ h environ, Ja consommation est comparable a celle du HY moteur 9 CV. Pour repondre aux performances du nouveau moteur, Ies transmissions et Ja boite de vitesses ont ete renforcees et Ies rapports de boite modifies.
2. Citroen a mis au point, en collaboration avec la Societe SAPA, une nouvelle version du HY, specialement adaptee aux livraisons dans Ies quartiers urbains encombres. Le poids total en charge (2.975 kg) et Ies dimensions interieures sont identiques a ceux du HY (meme volume utile : 7,3 m3) mais les dimensions hors tout ont ete reduites pour obtenir une surface au soi inferieure a 8 m2 (reglement de Ja « zone bleue » a Paris).
Le porte-a-faux avant a ete reduit par modification de Ja calandre et du parechoc, le porte-a-faux arriere par deplacement des feux et modification de l’ouverture arriere et du pare-choc. Sur le fourgon, la largeur hors-tout a ete reduite par suppression de la porte laterale coulissante, remplacee par une fermeture a rideau metallique. Le hayon et les portillons arriere sont remplaces par une porte « armoire » a deux battants, ouvrant a 180°, equipee de glaces.
![Citroën HY 1967 – New petrol engine – "zone bleu" version](https://www.2cv.fi/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/hy-1967-2.jpg)
Origin: La Double Chevron N°6 1966