degustation r4ad
Raid 4 Arctic Ducks

Degustation – R4AD – Maistelut


Tuesday afternoon we had degustation and before start everyone can tell what food they bring. Tiistai iltapäivän degustationissa eli maistelussa päästii maistamaan osallistujien tuomia oman maansa erikoisuuksia.

Potkurikisa Jounin kaupalla

Kick sled competition – R4AD – Potkurikisa


We had kick sled competition in parking place of Jounin kauppa (Äkäslompolo). Special Thank for Jounin kauppa and Team Sportia. Pidimme putkurikissan Jounin kaupan parkkipaikalla Äkäslompolossa, erityiskiitokset Jounin kaupalle ja Team Sportialle!  

R4AD Changing tires
Raid 4 Arctic Ducks

Changing tires – R4AD – Renkaiden vaihto


Many of the R4AD guests coming from abroad had they first stop at Routemaster Henkka Castrens Teippari courtyard, where their vehicles got new sets of tires, high quality  Continental  Nordic friction  ones – the best available winter tires […]

Arktiset ankat muuttaa pohjoiseen
Raid 4 Arctic Ducks

Arctic Ducks on a move towards the north – complete madness or a way of life?


On third of February a group of 31 freezing ducks start their journey from Helsinki towards Nord Cape. In this group there are nine members of Finnish 2CV Guild with their co-drivers and 22 vehicles from around central Europe. Most of who come from a country where driving along snowy or icy roads is not possible every year not to mention every day. […]