Suru-uutinen Australiasta

Australian 2cvRaidilta Rolf Breyeriltä tuli surullinen viesti:

“Absolutely gutted with the news that Markku Kaukanen has died in a single car accident in the NT on the Raid. Such a great guy with a big heart and have shared good memories with him on 2CV Raids in Oz. Will miss you mate and you’re singing and traveling with you on Oz Raids. You are an honorary Aussie from Finland and know this 2CV Raid and future ones will be in honor of you doing what you loved to do. Cheers Markku Bastard”

Viestin mukaan jp:mme Markku Kaukanen menehtyi auto-onnettomuudessa ottaessaan osaa Raid2cv Australiaan.